Here we aim to provide a ‘one-stop-shop’ for UK and international resources, from the straightforward to the highly complex. With a range of styles from the academic to the combative, we hope everyone will find the information provided in a way to suit them. The blogs, videos and podcasts offer a range of presentation styles. We are sure that everyone will find a style to suit them.
The toolkit section is under development. Our toolkits will be designed for lobbying and educating decision-makers and the general public that it really is time to change the way we talk about the economy.
Authors: William Mitchell, L. Randall Wray and Martin Watts
Modern Monetary Theory: Key Insights, Leading Thinkers
Edited by L. Randall Wray, Phil Armstrong, Sara Holland, Claire Jackson-Prior, Prue Plumridge and Neil Wilson
The Deficit Myth
Author: Stephanie Kelton
Reclaiming the State: A Progressive Vision of Sovereignty for a Post-Neoliberal World
Authors: William Mitchell, Thomas Fazi
Eurozone Dystopia: Groupthink and Denial on a Grand Scale
Author: William Mitchell
Seven Deadly Innocent Frauds of Economic Policy
Author: Warren Mosler
The Case for a Job Guarantee
Author: Associate Professor Pavlina Tcherneva
Economics for Sustainable Prosperity
Author: Dr Steven Hail
The Job Guarantee: Design, Jobs, and Implementation
Author: Associate Professor Pavlina Tcherneva
Debt: The First 5,000 Years
Author: David Graeber
The Millennials’ Money
Author: JD Alt
Soft Currency Economics II
Author: Warren Mosler
Why Minsky Matters
Author: L. Randall Wray
Modern Money Theory: A Primer on Macroeconomics for Sovereign Monetary Systems
Author: L. Randall Wray
The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money
Author: John Maynard Keynes
Modern Monetary Theory and Practice – an Introductory Text
Authors: William Mitchell, L Randall Wray and Martin Watts
Modern Monetary Theory and European Macroeconomics
Author: Dirk H Ehnts
Debunking Economics – The Naked Emperor Dethroned?
Author: Steve Keen
Can Heterodox Economics Make a Difference? Conversations With Key Thinkers
Author: Phil Armstrong
Billy Blog – Bill Mitchell – Modern Monetary Theory
The Modern Money Network (MMN)
Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity
New Wayland blog – Neil Wilson
Matches in the Dark – Alan Hutchison
Public Matters – Public policy from an MMT perspective
A range of videos are available on our YouTube channel but here is a small selection:
Professor Stephanie Kelton speaks on why a government budget should not be looked at in the same way as a household budget
Macroeconomics with Warren Mosler, Bill Mitchell and Martin J Watts, Birmingham – 11th May 2019
Professor Fadhel Kaboub explains the case for a Job Guarantee in the UK
Professor Bill Mitchell explains the role of the Job Guarantee in enabling currency-issuing governments to maintain full employment
Professor L. Randall Wray explains what gives fiat money its value
Dr Steven Hail on Why Politicians Don’t Talk About MMT Publicly
Professor Bill Mitchell and Warren Mosler on the societal costs associated with unemployment and inflation
Professor Stephanie Kelton explains the Limits on Government Spending
Professor Bill Mitchell on why context is important when discussing deficits or surpluses
Professor Stephanie Kelton running a little live currency creation experiment
Professor L Randall Wray on Sectoral Balances
Professor Randall Wray on Quantitative Easing and QE for the People
Warren Mosler on QE
Professor Stephanie Kelton: The National Debt is actually a government savings account
Professor L Randall Wray: Why do governments that issue their own currency bother to sell bonds?
Roundtable Discussion on the Job Guarantee with Pavlina Tcherneva, Philip Harvey, Rohan Grey and Darrick Hamilton, with Moderator Daniel Sufranski
Planet Money Episode 866: Modern Monetary Theory – Stephanie Kelton answers a question from 13-year-old Amy
Reknr hosts: The MMT Podcast #7 Steven Hail: Inflation, Price Shocks And Other Misunderstandings
LEFT OUT: Pavlina Tcherneva on the macroeconomic effects of a job guarantee
Money on the Left – The New Postcolonial Economics with Fadhel Kaboub
Actify CHAT – chats with Kathleen Trambley about Modern Monetary Theory
Steve Grumbine of Real Progressives on Hopping Mad
The Next System Podcast Episode 14: The Job Guarantee & Social Justice (with Pavlina Tcherneva)
From Alpha To Omega #078 MMT & Crisis with Alexander Douglas
Steve Keen – Does Modern Monetary Theory make sense?
Australian Employment Party MMT Podcast
From Alpha To Omega #011: Post (Keynesian) Modern Money with L Randall Wray
MMT Podcast with Patricia Pino and Christian Reilly
Academic Papers
A database of MMT academic papers is available on our Zotero page
If you are using a mobile device, the database is best viewed by requesting the desktop version on your browser.
The database is a growing resource; a work in progress. If you would like to suggest a paper to be added to it, please email us at
Activist #MMT has a list of academic papers arranged in sections suitable for the layperson, one curated for mainstream economists as well as another of important academic papers for the more ambitious. Please see
PDF Downloads
From our Launch event on 5th October 2018
Randeep Ramesh MMT Journalism and a post-truth world
Bill Mitchell Gower Introduction to Modern Monetary Theory
Bill Mitchell Gower Job Guarantee Workshop
From our events in May 2019
Warren Mosler talk, Birmingham, 11th May 2019
Bill Mitchell talk, Birmingham, 11th May 2019
Martin J Watts talk, Birmingham, 11th May 2019
Complete Birmingham Presentation 11th May 2019
Charith Gunawardena talk, Local Government Funding, Southgate 12th May 2019
Bill Mitchell talk, Local Government Funding, Southgate 12th May 2019
Bill Mitchell “Train the Trainers” event – 13th May 2019
Events from September 2019
MMT and the Green New Deal – Bill Mitchell
Bill Mitchell Training the MMT Trainers September 2019
Phil Armstrong MMT Leeds September 2019
From October 2019
Green Party Conference Fringe Event Phil Armstrong
From February 2020
Bill Mitchell MMTed Masterclass Module One London
Launch of “Modern Monetary Theory: Key Insights, Leading thinkers” – 20/4/23
Daniel Kostzer – Checklist for a Public Employment Program
Phil Armstrong – Modern Monetary Theory as post-neoliberal economics
Christian Reilly – Why Mosler Matters
Neil Wilson – The UK Financial System
GIMMS Leaflet
GIMMS Introductory leaflet page 1
GIMMS Introductory leaflet page 2
Fact Sheets
GIMMS Fact Sheet pdf MMT Basics
GIMMS Fact Sheet pdf Job Guarantee
GIMMS Fact Sheet pdf Origins of MMT
GIMMS Fact Sheet pdf A Brief History of Money
GIMMS Fact Sheet pdf Sectoral Balances
GIMMS Fact Sheet pdf Inflation
GIMMS Fact Sheet pdf Quantitative Easing
GIMMS Fact Sheet pdf MMT and Public Policy
GIMMS Fact Sheet pdf Macroeconomics
GIMMS Fact Sheet pdf The Bank of England
GIMMS Fact Sheet pdf Gilts and Bonds
GIMMS Fact Sheet pdf The Green New Deal
GIMMS Fact Sheet Negative Interest Rates